Newsletter #35 — July 2024

Hello everyone!

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End of Lines Sale

End of Lines, our 2023 interactive graphic novel about climate change is currently on sale on Steam. For the rest of the week, you can get it for half the price, our biggest discount yet.

We still think End of Lines is one of our best works, and it pains us that it didn’t find as large of an audience as our other titles, so we hope this exceptional sale might help attract some visibility it sorely lacks.

And of course, if you already played an liked the game, any of the usual stuff: sharing, liking, telling your friends about it or leaving a positive recommendation on Steam would help immensely (and would be greatly appreciated).

The message we tried to articulate with End of Lines is very close to our hearts, especially during a year where global average temperatures records are broken repeatedly (source:

So if the game is languishing at the bottom of your wishlist, now is the great time to buy it!

What have we been up to?

Now that Echoes is released (no, it didn’t went well; we’ll wait for the dust to settle and we’ll talk about it in detail in a future newsletter), we’re full steam ahead on our next game, taking advantage of the summer to finish pre-production. It’s still too early to talk about it at length, but we can already reveal that it will be a new installment of the series we started with Along the Edge and Across the Grooves.

As it’s become customary for the studio for the last few years, we left the scorching temperatures of the summer in the city for a more pastoral setting, so here’s a shot of Nico (with Pauline, a dancer) and I (Geoffroy, with Twiggy, a dog) at work from Carcans and la Creuse, respectively.

That’s all for now, and see you next month!

And in the meantime, Seers Isle, Along the Edge, and Across the Grooves and End of Lines are available on Steam and (among other select digital resellers).

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on behalf on the team.

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